Nancy drew the captive curse directions to large tree
Nancy drew the captive curse directions to large tree

nancy drew the captive curse directions to large tree

Select the matches, then check the "check match" box at the top to see if you got it right. Senior Mode: The second-from-the-left in the top row and the second-from-the-left in the bottom row. Junior Mode: The leftmost monster in the bottom row, and the second-from-the-right in the top row. He forces Nancy to solve a matching puzzle first. Press the doorbell on the right, and Lukas answers the door. The game begins with Nancy Drew arriving at Castle Finster. A video of a girl being attacked by a monster plays. 004-Walkthrough - Click on the plane ticket, choose either Junior or Senior Detective, and the game starts. She can call him in this game, and the two of them have a fight. His brother Joe gets mentioned, but he doesn't have any speaking lines. Frank Hardy: Nancy's friend and fellow detective. She worked with Anja, at Anja's previous job. She is the one who does most of the work in the castle. Anja: The castellan, who works at the gift shop. Renate: An old woman who is staying at the castle. Lukas: A boy whose father is the head of security. He is in charge of the castle, but he is more concerned with playing games than running the castle properly. 003-Characters - Nancy Drew: Our hero! She's a super mystery solver, and she's off to Germany to solve the mystery behind the monster sightings at Castle Finster. The video comes complete with my commentary and such.


002-Video Guide - Hey! Want to see how to beat the game instead of reading about it? Well, I've got a video walkthrough, and you can see it at. If you want to reproduce this guide in some fashion, you should contact me before doing so. If you want to contact me, e-mail but make the subject blank if you do. This is the twenty-fourth game in the Nancy Drew series. This is an adventure game, in which Nancy Drew goes to Germany and solves a mystery at a haunted castle. Credits 001-General Information - This is a walkthrough for the PC/Mac game called Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse. DDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDD DDDDDD DDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDD DD DDDDDDDDDDD DD DDDDDDDDDDDD DD DDDDDDDDDDDDD DD D DDDDDDDDDDD DD DDDDDDDDDDDD DD D DDDDDDDDDDD D DD DDDDDDDDDDDDD D D DDDDDDDDDDDDD D DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDDDDDDDDDDDDD DDD DDDD DDD DDDD DDDD DDDD DDD DDDD DDD DDD DD DDD DD DD D DD D D DD D DDD DD DD DD D DD D Nancy Drew: The Captive Curse A Walkthrough by Michael Gray AKA The Lost Gamer Copyright 2011 For a list of all my various guides, check Table of Contents: 001.

Nancy drew the captive curse directions to large tree