The darkness ii ending
The darkness ii ending

the darkness ii ending
  1. The darkness ii ending series#
  2. The darkness ii ending free#

Then there is i think a third Angelus host wich i don't remember exactly who it was and finally The ANgelus after so many failures realize a new way is maybe the best thing, she decide to do like The Darkness do and give control to the host, wich is Danielle Baptiste, the second Witchblade bearer. Her first host is destroyed rather quickly, then if my memory is right, she jump in Frankie's catatonic wife for second host until the host get destroy. The Angelus switch from Host to host and never care for the human. Serie 3 had ups and down to say the least.īut yeah in the comic serie 1 the main antagonist are The Brotherhood (altough different than in the game), Frankie Franchetti and The Angelus. Sadly i never could read serie 2, as i have the compendium of serie 1 only, then i started buying serie 3 until i was not as much into comic books. So Jackie make a whole wharehouse explode and he "dies" but the Darkness bring him back for serie 2. (they kinda fusioned Frankie and Paulie in the game, but in the comic there 2 different characters, Frankie is the original mob boss and Jackie's adoptive "uncle")įrankie killed Jenny but its a tape he send Jackie, so nothing Jackie can do to save her.

the darkness ii ending

The darkness ii ending series#

In the first series of the comic Jackie kill himself at the same time as he kill Frankie Franchetti.

the darkness ii ending

I dunno when it comes to the ending of the game. It's probably best to look at the games as adaptations or re-tellings of the comic books, but even then, I'm sure Digital Extremes (assuming more games are made by them) will try to work in as much comic book stuff as possible. It would be hard for them to dive straight into the comic lore, because then they would have to retcon the video game story as well, which would make the initial retcon pointless and the overall story a tad confusing. They wanted it to be as close to the comic as possible, but they still had to work within the confines of the original game's narrative, hence the changes that they made. The Darkness II still had to be a direct sequel to the first game, which had essentially retconned large parts of the story (from what I've heard - I've never read the comics myself). I wish the games would actually just go straight into the other cross overs like the Magdalena. the Angelus is the opposite force of the darkness.and they have a "child" at one point, The Witchblade. Just as Jackie is cursed with the Darkness, Jenny is now cursed with the Angelus, until the Angelus probably results in her death. While she is a 'good' guy, she has no remorse or caring for humans, and has killed and abused the souls of humans just as the Darkness has. I think the Angelus goes through a lot of hosts. From all the relics, we learned that the Darkness kills her.a lot. Not that the Angelus is in her, it will wage war on evil.

the darkness ii ending

I agree with that is what he was yelling about. Since the darkness created that whole asylum dream to occupy jackie's time when he was near death Though the asylum bits do tend to have me lean toward that it actually is hell that jackie is in at the end. So i assume he looks at it like he did this to her again.Ģ) I think its the Hell the darkness created personally. But instead she is inserted right back in the middle of things, right back in the thick of the light v dark war. To get her away all the despair he causes, so she could rest in peace.

The darkness ii ending free#

How exactly does The Darkness travel through different hosts? I can understand that this refers to the Estacado bloodline, but what if the current host never has a kid? What happens to The Darkness when the host dies of age or something?ġ) He has that look because he did all of this to free jenny's soul from the darkness. Which one is it?ĮDIT: I have another question that doesn't refer to the topic of this thread, but I figured I might as well ask: Is it really Hell Jackie is trapped in, or is it The Darkness? I'm hearing both sides of the coin where one side says he's trapped in Hell with The Darkness, while the other side says he's trapped within The Darkness. Was he expecting to leave Hell somehow after he saved Jenny? Speaking of Hell. Even though the Angelus told Jackie she was trapping him in Hell, what was the point of him acting so shocked and terrified? He knew what he was heading towards to save Jenny. With the Angelus appearing, it was definitely a twist for Jackie, but this leads to my questions:ġ. Since he used the syphon, he was now permanately dead because the Darkness can't fix that damage. Okay, so Jackie kills himself with the syphon in order to go to Hell to save Jenny.

The darkness ii ending